Hotel collaboration
Unike hoteller want to recreate the venerable hotel experience
We are confident that hotels that choose to join UNIKE HOTELLER will become even better and stronger by collaborating with us. Hotels that partner with us experience significant synergy effects, and the collaboration provides better opportunities for all hotels and employees.
We work effectively with marketing, distribution and logistics, and we continuously try to improve every aspect of the products we offer to customers in our hotels. The composition of the menus, the purchase of good wines, the ambiance and decoration, the training of our staff … just visit our hotels and experience it for yourself.
The market for hotels with an exciting history, personalized service, and good, dedicated hosts is growing and filling a sought-after alternative to the ordinary chain hotels.
If you would like more information and would like to cooperate with us, please contact our CEO Morten Christensen, by phone on +47 917 28 243 or by e-mail at morten@unikehoteller.no
Welcome to a unique concept!